Monday, April 5, 2010

Clean Up Your Detox

I got an email this morning all about a special three-day cleanse that will flatten my tummy, put a spring in my step and guarantee I find everlasting peace and happiness.

I am sure you have received some kind of an email like this before. Or maybe you have seen it written in a magazine: “cleanse your colon, clean your system, flush your liver and detox your kidneys”. Or maybe you have actually done a cleanse yourself. I have. When I lived in LA and detoxes were all the rage, I drank nothing but lemon juice with cayenne pepper and honey for 10 days. It’s true; my tummy did flatten… because it was eating itself! I was starving. Do you know what happened on day 11? I ate. And do you know what happened on day 12? My tummy un-flattened.

I have done the cleanses that require you to ingest supplements to “clean” out your system thus requiring you to have access to a toilet for most of the day. I have even tried out those strange footpads that are supposed to suck the toxins from the bottoms of your feet. I have given up coffee, drank nothing but juice for a week, tried bikram yoga and stopped eating carbs. I have tried cleanses that are supposed to make me younger, fitter, stronger, smarter, more present and every single one on them wasn’t as perfect as good old fashioned sleep, exercise and a balanced diet.

Let me break it down for y’all. Detox refers to the process of eliminating toxins from your body. We all have some toxins in our bodies at all times. Every time our cells make energy, they produce some waste (toxins) and then our body gets rid of it. Every time we go to the bathroom, exhale, sneeze, cough or sweat we are getting rid of toxins. Our bodies are really good at this. Basically what this means is that our body is experiencing a full body cleanse at all times. We are constantly cleansing and most bodies do a pretty fine job of it. The best thing to do if you want to help accelerate the already detoxifying ability of your body is to get plenty of sleep, eat a healthy balanced diet containing lots of plants, stay away from the triggers (caffeine/alcohol/sugar/salt), and drink lots of water and exercise. Isn’t it funny how it seems so much harder to do all of that than it does to just not eat for three days?

If you are thinking about doing some kind of a detox try mine first: the patented Sarah cleanse. For one day I want you to exercise for at least 30 minutes, drink 8 glasses of water, eat a plant at every meal and go to bed early. If you want to try the super deluxe Sarah detox then do all of the above plus don’t eat or drink anything with caffeine, alcohol, sugar or salt. Feel free to eat as much as you want of anything else.

That’s it. Do it for one day and then see how you feel. Your body will have all the extra help it needs to do its job. If you like the way it feels then please feel free to try it for another day free of charge. Whenever you are feeling icky and bloated and tired and blocked, make a pact to try the Sarah cleanse for one day. Even if you’re not feeling icky, it’s sure to make you feel better.

Your body has the best detox system available; all you have to do is be good to it. And why wouldn’t you be, it’s where you live.


  1. thank you! They don't call it break-FAST for nothing! After a good nights sleep, we should be ready to roll! I like your perspective. Off to bed with me!

  2. You do make it sound easy. Ok, the Sarah cleanse for me tomorrow!

  3. Sarah, I agree with you regarding to your detox cleanse. Let's see how it works in me.
