Monday, June 7, 2010

Everything is Amazing

About a month ago a friend of mine forwarded me a video clip of a comedian on The Conan O’Brien show. The video clip was titled, “Everything is Amazing.” I am going to provide a link to said video clip at the end of this article so skip ahead if you like, or feel free to wait until the end. This comedian, Lewis CK is kvetching about how everything is amazing and no one is happy. He goes on to talk about how amazing the miracle of flight is and how happy the lives of those with cell phones are, and how miserable it was to dial a rotary telephone. And he is right, it’s more than amazing, it’s freaking unbelievable that we can fly through the air. Who do we think we are? Superman? It’s blows my mind when I think about how my cell phone is able to call London or how instant message chatting works. How does it work? No, don’t tell me, it still won’t make sense considering I never learned how to make my VCR record. Even the VCR I had to give to goodwill last year because Netflix doesn’t send VHS, is amazing.

This phrase, “everything is amazing” has come to be a bit of catch phrase. This weekend while out of town for work we used it constantly. The hotel was amazing, the missed plane in Chicago was amazing, and the rental car one-way highway robbery price was also, amazing! I got back home on Saturday night and when asked by the BF how my trip was, I replied, “Everything was amazing!”

Since then I have been musing a lot on this idea and I have come to realize that it’s not just our new technological advances that make everything great, it’s who we are. We, as a species are amazing. Our bodies are amazing, even cooler than flight as far as I’m concerned. Think about it…

Starting from the simplest thing: I can breathe without thinking about it. I can decide (without my conscious knowledge) that I want to type on my computer and my hands will open my laptop, push the button and go. Let’s get a little more complex, I can get a paper cut and my body will heal itself. WTF?!! That really is amazing! I know that there are scientists and doctors and geniuses (many of whom are reading this) who will say, “Sarah, it’s not really that amazing, there are perfectly good explanations for why/how the bodies heals itself. There are a million definitions for why a 145 lb woman can lift a car if her baby is under it. And it is really quite simple to explain how a baby is born.”

Sure, you are right Mr. or Mrs. Scientist; there are a million reasons, answers and explanations. I have books and books and books of information telling me all about bio mechanics and why it is that are bodies are able to punch a bag, jump over a rock or metabolize a piece of toast, but even with all of those books, and journals and Internet sites, it is still no less amazing.

I don’t think that people actually appreciate just how freaking cool the human body is. We may appreciate it from afar. You may read this article and agree with me and nod your head, but will you bring it home? I don’t mean the actual article. I mean will you look down at your own hands and think, “wow!” Will you have a little freak out moment when you pay attention to your eyes that are reading this and your mind that can comprehend it? Will you do a little hop down the street just because you can? Will you stand up after reading this and give yourself a big good morning stretch because it feels so good? I hope that you do.

It is so easy to think about and remember the things that we find, not amazing. It sucks that my knees hurt, my metabolism is slowing down and my butt is sinking towards the floor. And whatever your things are, they suck too. There will be another article on another day telling you to embrace the stuff that sucks. Today I want you to think about all the stuff that’s amazing. Because I know that there are a ton of things about you that are capable, strong, flexible, and yes, you called it, amazing!

Everything Is Amazing Video

Be Good to your Body, it’s where you live.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my Gosh! I found myself laughing out loud then clapping. This video is GREAT! I am sharing it with all my friends. The thing is I remember things like the rotary phone!
