Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What a waste.

I just returned from a most wonderful Memorial Day weekend in Santa Monica. I was visiting one of my bestest gal pals and her new baby. Well, sort of new (8 months). Anyway, there was a ton of inspiration and you will probably hear me referencing the trip for at least a few weeks.

One of the things I was inspired by was said pals hubby and his environmental ways. He is super green. He never forgets to shut off lights, he unplugs things and he recycles everything! I was uber impressed. He uses the old coffee from the morning for iced coffee in the afternoon (which is now my favorite thing by the way). And he also hates wasting food so he makes sure to eat everything before it goes bad. And this is when I had to pause. Sometimes he will even eat food he’s not particularly fond just so he doesn’t waste it. He has even been known to eat something when he isn’t hungry in order that it not go to waste.

Ok, I don’t like wasting food either. It really bugs me when I can’t finish produce before it goes bad or when I have to throw out the milk because I didn’t drink it fast enough but I would rather waste food by throwing it in the bin than waste it by throwing it down my mouth.

I think that there are many people who share Jorge’s views. Do you have any memories of your mother telling you to finish your food because somewhere a starving person would kill for it? Do you feel obligated to eat food someone has given you so it doesn’t go to waste? Do you clean your plate because it would be wasteful to throw it away? Do you worry about how much something cost and feel guilty if you were to throw it out?

When you eat something because you don’t want to waste it, you are still wasting it. You are wasting it in your body. Why is it better to put something you don’t like, aren’t hungry for or just don’t want, in your mouth than in the garbage?

I am not saying that you should be wasteful and throw food away like it’s sand on the beach, I am just saying pay attention to why you are eating something and think about what I am saying. Whether you put it in the bin or in your mouth, if you don’t want it or need it, you’re wasting it. That is what the green bin is for.

Be Good to your Body, it’s where you Live

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