For Christmas, I received a new furry bundle of joy, a puppy. He's pretty amazing and also I have come to learn, quite wise. In the month that I have known him I have learned many lessons about health and life. I believe that if we all tried to act a little more like my puppy we would all be a little healthier and happier in 2010.
- Stretch. It should be the very first thing you do. Wake up, give a big yawn and then have at it. A little yoga is the perfect way to start the day. Coco especially recommends downward facing dog, cobra, cat/cow, and child’s pose. If you do not already know how to do these stretches, you can watch a dog or you can search for them online.
- Drink water. A lot of it. All day long, whenever you can get it. Drink it heartily and hungrily. Savor it like fine wine and gulp it like Gatorade.
- Take regular walks throughout the day. If you took a walk every time you went to the bathroom, think how much extra walking you’d get in. You could use the bathroom in the office down the hall or the building next door. Or because that might be the most annoying thing I have ever suggested, you could just take the time for a longer walk at lunch.
- While you’re walking, be aware of your surroundings. Smell the roses and say good morning to everyone you see!
- Get exercise (in addition to walking) a few times a week. Coco has a penchant for yoga (as previously mentioned), stair climbing, sprinting, gardening, and balance work (think standing on one leg). But my all-time favorite of his strength training is of course, bird dog.
- Eat first thing in the morning. Coco never misses breakfast and you shouldn’t either.
- Practice good portion control but always allow room for some treats.
- Sleep and nap, and sleep and then nap some more. I have never met an animal that could sleep so deeply and so soundly and fall asleep so quickly. Apparently the time when puppies are sleeping is when they are growing. Well it’s true for us too. We are rebooting during sleep and if we don’t get enough of the stuff, we are like a phone about to run out of batteries.
- Play. Even if it’s just for one minute or thirty seconds or two hours, Coco will play and play and play. He has a sense of humor and joie de vivre that is amazing. I wish I were as carefree and fun loving as him. Isn’t it time we were able to stop taking everything so seriously?
- Get dirty! That might mean that you go for a walk in the mud, do some gardening, get a little sweaty at the gym, or finger paint with your kids. You could even finger paint with your friends. It’s good to feel some dirt beneath your finger nails every once in awhile.
- Give Love. There is nothing that Coco does as much as give love. In fact it is all he seems to want to do and every time he does all I want to do is give it back.
It’s pretty easy for a puppy who doesn’t have a job to get so much done in one day but if you even focused on just one or two of Coco’s good habits, you might feel more vibrant, energetic and healthy. Come on everybody, let’s all act like dogs!
Be Good to your Body, it’s where you Live
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