Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Fountain of Youth

As I write this I am sick in bed with the flu. Yuck is right. Luckily because I have so much love in my life I have been getting texts and calls asking about my health and offering to bring me soup and water and juice. Fluids they say. Fluids and sleep: that’s how you’ll get better. Well fluids and sleep isn’t just for us sickies. It’s what keeps the sick away when you’re well. And since it was not so very long ago that I impressed upon you the glorious goodness of a little shut-eye, today I will be giving my full attention to water. What with all the energy drinks and gator/power-ade, drink this and you will be stronger, more powerful and more liked by your peers water supplements, plain old water can sometimes get pushed off to the sidelines. Let’s bring water back to the game where it belongs. Read on to learn of all the things that water can do for you.

Water is essential for life. I am sure you knew that but did you know that a person could survive for up to 60 days without food, but only 10-18 days without water? And those people who can survive 18 days are few and far between. I bet I wouldn’t last a week. Water is what we are made of. It is our life force. It can actually heal you. Who hasn’t come home after a long day and felt better after a hot shower or bath? It does the same relaxing and healing things for our insides. It regulates body temperature, removes toxins and wastes, cushions and lubricates joints, decreases the risk of kidney stones, protects tissues, organs and the spinal cord from shock and damage.

It keeps us from getting tired and helps make our skin radiant. It curbs our appetite and keeps us from binging. Plus, get this; it has absolutely no calories. What else is such goodness?

Many people substitute a sports drink or juice for water but they are usually filled with sugar and in my expert opinion, not as good as plain old-fashioned H2O. Even the flavored waters that are nothing but water and “natural flavor extract” are not as good as water. If there is an ingredient list on your water bottle, then you are better off with just water.

The original reason that sports drinks were invented was so that high endurance athletes could get a quick burst of fuel/recharge/energy in order to keep going or replenish what they have lost. Same goes for energy bars by the way. Are you doing any high endurance exercising? If you answered yes, then by all means, have a little Gatorade during your workout, other wise my friends, you are going to be just fine with the original thirst quencher and your regular meals.

I know it is cliché but I keep a water bottle with me at most times and I drink out of it constantly. When I am on the bus, walking home, at the coffee shop, I drink. When I am window-shopping or actual shopping, I drink. Today at the supermarket I held a water bottle in my hand as I pushed my cart along the aisles. Not only did I end up finishing 1/2 a liter, it also kept me from wanting to rip open the trail mix while I shopped.

I know that the recommended 8 glasses of water can be pretty intimidating if water ain’t your thing and so I propose to start slow. Today simply pay attention to your water intake? Did you have one glass, two? Did you have any at all? Now tomorrow simply add one on. There you go, already well on your way to a more vibrant life. How about on Thursday you add one more, you could add it on in addition to your other drinks or you could be really crazy and replace a regular drink with water. Do you need a diet coke/2nd cup of Joe/wine/glass of juice? Try the water first. If you still want the wine, tuck in and feel good that your water intake is rising.

If you absolutely detest the non-taste of water and you simply cannot drink any more, please, before you run to the vending machine, try my soon to be patented drinking technique.

Put a straw in the glass and get it over with. It goes faster with a straw. Hell, why not do it twice.

The fountain of youth does in fact exist, and you can drink from it every day.

Be Good to your Body, it’s where you Live

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